Raffaello Rossi

SpringSummer 2022

The lightness of summer

It’s like taking a deep breath and embarking on a new chapter – with optimism and zest for life. The coming months will be shaped by a combination of past experiences, lessons learned, and anticipation of what is yet to come. In the foreground, creativity and individual style ideas which have only one idea in mind: a feeling of well-being. And Raffaello Rossi’s new spring / summer collection shows that it is very fashionable with its high quality and the longevity of its styles.

Between pink tones, lilac tones, melba sorbet and coral red, the color palette exudes joy. The vibrant blue summer sky is reflected in the various shades of blue, while the natural tones and gorgeous greens convey a sense of freedom and affinity with nature. White and new off-white tones complete the color scheme and have a calming effect.